Escuela de Física-Matemática 2012

Morning lectures

Ed Corrigan (University of York, Gran Bretaña)
An introduction to integrable classical and quantum field theory in two dimensions

The main example will be the sine-Gordon model, which will be used to illustrate features that are key to the study of many other models. For example, the classical and quantum spectrum, conservation laws, scattering (including a brief look at the Yang-Baxter equation) and bound states. If time allows there will be a brief exploration of other topics especially the influence of boundaries.
Presentación de Prof Ed Corrigan

Andreas Klümper (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Alemania)
Thermodynamics of spin chains

  1. Thermodynamical Bethe Ansatz (TBA)
  2. Lattice Path Integral Formulation and Quantum Transfer Matrix (QTM)
  3. Fusion Algebra: T- and Y-Systems
  4. Non-Linear Integral Equations
  5. Higher Rank Models and Continuum Systems
The main topic of my lectures will be the finite temperature physics of integrable 1d quantum systems. The discussion will be rather comprehensive and detailed for the case of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, but not restricted to this.
In the first lecture I will discuss the combinatorial TBA method introduced by Yang and Yang for the single component Bose gas and generalized by Gaudin and Takahashi to the Heisenberg chain.
Lectures 2 and 3 are devoted to an algebraic approach to the thermodynamical properties of integrable quantum chains. The finite temperature systems are mapped to classical models on 2d lattices. The partition function is obtained from just the largest eigenvalue of the column-to-column transfer matrix, also called the quantum transfer matrix which acts in an infinite dimensional space. A hierarchy of transfer matrices is derived by the fusion method, and algebraic relations of various type are established.
Lecture 4: By use of the so-called T- and Y-systems
(i) the TBA equations are derived rigorously,
(ii) alternative, especially finite sets of non-linear integral equations are derived,
(iii) correlation lengths/mass gaps are calculated.
In Lecture 5 generalizations to higher rank models and continuum limits like Bose gases are discussed.

Vladimir Korepin (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
Quantum non-linear Schrödinger equation

The course will be about the Lieb-Liniger model [it can also be called one dimensional Bose gas with delta interaction or quantum non-linear Schrödinger equation]. It is based on my book Quantum inverse scattering method and correlation functions.
The last part of the lecture series will deal with the Lieb-Liniger model of 1D anyons, based on the papers Large-Distance Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlation Functions of 1D Impenetrable Anyons at Finite Temperatures (arXiv:0811.2419) and Non-conformal asymptotic behavior of the time-dependent field-field correlators of 1D anyons ( .

Slides and a video recording of lectures about Lieb-Liniger model of 1d anyons by Professor Korepin given at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California in 2011 can be found here:

Presentación de Prof Vladimir Korepin

Short communications