Departamento de Matemáticas

My main research interest lies in spectral theory of (un)bounded linear operators.



  1. Abdon E. Choque-Riveros, Monika Winklmeier.
    Explicit relation between two resolvent matrices of the truncated Hausdorff matrix moment problem
    Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 17, 50 (2023). (arxiv:2210.00374).
  2. Carlos Segovia, Monika Winklmeier.
    Calculating the dimension of the universal embedding of the symplectic dual polar space using languages
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. Volume 27, Issue 4 (2020) Paper #P4.39. (arxiv:1312.4315v2).
  3. Monika Winklmeier, Osanobu Yamada.
    The limiting absorption principle for Dirac operators in the non-extreme Kerr-Newman metric.
    Mem. Inst. Sci. Engrg. Ritsumeikan Univ. No. 76 (2017) (article)
  4. Vadym Adamyan, Heinz Langer, Christiane Tretter, Monika Winklmeier.
    Dirac-Krein operators on star graphs
    Integral Equations Operator Theory. 86(1):121-150 (2016). (arXiv:1608.05865).
  5. Vladimir Strauss, Monika Winklmeier.
    On the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with a singular perturbation
    Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Ser. Mat. Model. Program. 9, No. 1, 73-91 (2016), (arxiv:1506.06264).
  6. Lyonell Boulton, Monika Winklmeier.
    Sharp eigenvalue enclosures for the perturbed angular Kerr-Newman Dirac operator
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 471, Issue 2182 (2015), (arxiv:1410.5357).
  7. Carlos Segovia, Monika Winklmeier.
    Combinatorial Computations in Cobordism Categories
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. Volume 22, Issue 3 (2015) Paper #P3.16. (arxiv:1409.2067).
  8. Monika Winklmeier, Christian Wyss.
    On the Spectral Decomposition of Dichotomous and Bisectorial Operators
    Integral Equations Operator Theory. 82(1):119-150 (2015). (arxiv:1410.2305).
  9. Mario Koppen, Christiane Tretter, Monika Winklmeier.
    Simplicity of extremal eigenvalues of the Klein-Gordon equation.
    Rev. Math. Phys. 23(6): 643-667 (2011). (arXiv:1008.2469).
  10. Monika Winklmeier, Osanobu Yamada.
    A spectral approach the Dirac equation in the non-extreme Kerr-Newmann metric.
    J. Phys. A. 42 (2009) (arXiv:0802.0402).
  11. Monika Winklmeier.
    A Variational Principle for Block Operator Matrices and its Application to the Angular Part of the Dirac Operator in Curved Spacetime.
    J. Differential Equations Volume 245, Issue 8 (arXiv:0806.1866).
  12. Carsten Trunk, Birgit Jacob, Monika Winklmeier.
    Analyticity and Riesz basis property of semigroups associated to damped vibrations.
    J. Evol. Eq. (2008) (arXiv:math/0703247).
  13. Monika Winklmeier, Osanobu Yamada.
    Spectral analysis of radial Dirac operators in the Kerr-Newman metric and its applications to time-periodic solutions.
    JMP Vol. 47 (2006) (arXiv:gr-qc/0605146).
  14. Davide Batic, Harald Schmid, Monika Winklmeier.
    The generalized Heun equation in QFT in curved spacetimes.
    J. Phys. A. (2006) (arXiv:gr-qc/0607017).
  15. Davide Batic, Harald Schmid, Monika Winklmeier.
    On the eigenvalues of the Chandrasekhar-Page angular equation.
    JMP vol. 46 (2005) (arXiv:math-ph/0402047).



Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.