english español

5th School on Mathematical Physics
27th - 31st May 2013

The Mathematics of Entanglement

The school will consist of a series of morning lectures given by the invited speakers. The participants will have the possibility to give talks or present posters in the afternoon sessions. We are also studying the possibility to have problem sessions in the afternoons. Lectures will be held in English and Spanish.

The school is aimed at undergraduate, graduate and PhD students and researchers interested in the topic.

The aim of the school is to give a contemporary overview of some of the theoretical aspects of quantum entanglement, its relation to various recent problems in mathematics and its applications to physics, in particular to quantum information theory. In three mini courses the following topics will be presented:

For physicists interested in quantum information, the school will provide a good opportunity to become familiar with advanced theoretical aspects of entanglement, such as multipartite entanglement and measures that arose recently to quantify entanglement in mixed states. On the other hand, for mathematicians interested in combinatorics, representation theory, algebraic geometry, probability and statistics, and optimization, the school will be an excellent opportunity to become familiar with current applications of these areas to quantum information.

If you are interested in participating in the school, please register before the 14th of May here: registration form.

If you need further information, let us know by sending an e-mail to the organizers . If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact the organizers before the 14th of April 2013.

There will be no registration fee. Limited financial support for some participants from outside of Bogotá might be available. Participants interested in applying for financial support should indicate this clearly in the comments section in the registration form before the 14th of April 2012.

Main speakers:


Contact: escuela_fm2013 (at) uniandes.edu.co

Alonso Botero
Departamento de Física
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá
Monika Winklmeier
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá