Invited talks- Complex Analytic Geometry, Mumbai (2018).
- Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Montréal (2017).
- Análisis funcional, geometría y física (Coco’s Fest), Los Andes (2016).
- Encuentro de Topología, Geometría y Teoría de Representaciones, Medellín (2016).
- New perspectives on Higgs bundles, branes and quantization, SCGP (2016).
- 50 years of the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem, Chennai (2015).
- XX Congreso Colombiano de Matemáticas, Manizales (2015).
- Real Vector Bundles, Brest (2014).
- Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces, Madrid (2014).
- II GEAR Junior retreat, Ann Arbor (2014).
- VIII Simposio Nororiental de Matemáticas, Bucaramanga (2013).
- Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Guanajuato (2013).
- Analytic and Algebraic Geometry related to Bundles, Mumbay (2013).
- Journées Nancéennes de Géométrie, Université Henri Poincaré (2010).
- Colloque Paulette Libermann - Héritage et Descendance, IHP (2009).
- XVII Congreso Colombiano de Matemáticas, Cali (2009).
- Workshop on Geometry, The University of Hong Kong (2009).
- II Latin American Congress on Lie Groups and Geometry, La Falda (2008).
- Geometry for Quantization, Waseda University (2007).
- The Japanese Mathematical Society's 54th Geometry Symposium, Kagoshima (2007).
- Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics, School on Poisson Geometry, Tokyo (2006).
- Non-commutative Geometry and Physics, Tsinghua University (2005).
Invited lecturesContributed talksOrganisation- Primer encuentro de las Sociedades Matemáticas de Colombia y México, Barranquilla (2018). Miembro del Comité Científico.
- Toros complejos y variedades abelianas (cursillo de A. Beauville en Los Andes, 5-16 de marzo 2018).
- (With Laura Schaposnik and Richard Wentworth) Special session on Geometry and Physics of Higgs bundles, Mathematical Congress Of the Americas (MCA 2017).
- (With Vincent Pilloni) Rencontres franco-colombiennes de mathématiques (Lyon, 2017).
- (With Vincent Pilloni) Summer School on Arithmetic and Dynamics (Bogotá, 2017).
- (With Laura Schaposnik) Special session on Higgs bundles, instantons and real character varieties, V Latin American Congress of Mathematics, Barranquilla (2016).
- (With Erwan Brugallé) School and Conference on Real Algebraic Geometry, Villa de Leyva (2014).
- (With Margarita Toro and Sofía Pinzón) Special session on Geometry and Topology, XIX Congreso Colombiano de Matemáticas, Barranquilla (2013).
- (With Johannes Huisman) Vector Bundles and Real Algebraic Curves, Bogotá (2011).
- Topics in Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Tokyo (2008).
Participation in research programmesParticipation in conferences