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Bogota is the capital of Colombia. This city is recognized by its architectural diversity, here you could appreciate modern and colonial constructions. Besides, in Bogotá, you can interact and enrich yourself with the cultural variety of this country because here you would be able to find people from all across the country. In addition, across the west of Bogota you would appreciate the beautiful “Cordillera de Los Andes” (Andean Mountains). Finally, Bogota sprawls over 1102,9339 square miles (1775 square kilometers) and has a population of 8 080 734 habitants.


The average temperature in Bogota is 57,2 °F (14°C), this country does not have seasons but depending on the time of the year Bogota’s temperature could go down to 46.4 °F (8ºC) or rose to 73,4 °F (23°C) and normally it rains through the year.


Bogotá’s altitude is 8700 feet (2650 meters), for this you could experience mild altitude sickness which would feel similar to flu symptoms, for this reason we recommend you to arrive with 36 to 48 hours before the event so you can adjust to this altitude.

Time zone

Colombia has the UTC-5 time zone.


Iconic Meals


pandebono Pan de Bono - Almojábanas


Tourist places

You could and should add to your travel list the following places located in the city: Monserrate, Bogota Botanical Garden, La Candelaria (which are historic neighborhood in the city’s downtown), Usaquén (a colonial quarter), The Gold Museum, among others.
In addition, if you want to go out of the city, the following places are suggested: Villa de Leyva, Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá and Lake Guatavita.

Bogota's Landscape


Monserrate Cableway's view

Bogota Botanical Garden



The Gold Museum

Important Dates



Jul 10 : Early registration deadline


Apr 25 : Final version deadline (firm)

Apr 18 : Author notification

Mar 25 : Full paper deadline

Mar 18 :
Title and abstract deadline


- Call for papers

- Special Screening

- Invited speakers and talks

- Tutorials

- Accepted papers

- Venue

- Accomodation

- About Bogotá, Colombia